Above sculpture by Rieke van der Stoep – ” Crosswind “
I noticed while sourcing images for my post ” Figurines Of Intrigue ” that the figurines of the female form were in predominance, so I decided to dedicate a post purely on this theme. Most of the female ceramic figurines seem to be created by women whereas the sculptural female art forms have a more equal representation between male and female artists. This post will be updated on a weekly basis.
I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set her free.
Green Goddess Figurine
Churkin Larissa -Stairway to Heaven – PART I
Anne Gregerson – ceramic female bust
AYELET LALOR-Green Diva with dog
Nancy Standlee ceramic wall art
Guido Cacciapuoti
Milano 1892-1953
Henryk Jędrasiak, Polónia.
Gracegul Dance by Chidi Okoye
Claude Cavin
Dance Bliss - Marco Cochrane
The sculpture, of a dancing woman, stands 40 feet tall, weighs 7000 pounds and is ingeniously constructed of triangulated geodesic struts.
Treasure Island, San Francisco, CA
By night, it alights brilliantly with a complex array of 1000 slowly changing l.e.d. colored lights. Viewers may interact with and manipulate the lighting effects with an iphone app .
( http://blackrockarts.org )
Datura - Chauncey Bradley Ives
American, 1810-1894
First Touch – Hindi ( Consuelo Bustillo Penunuri )
( Key West Art Galleries )
Demetre Chiparus Art Deco Figurine - Dancer of Kapurthala
Denise Romecki Ceramic Sculpture
” In My Dreams “
Canice James – Nuba
Janneke Bruines — ‘ Flight ‘
Josephine with Attitude by Helen Clancy
Judith Meulenberg Figurine
Katerina Baranowská Figurine – Czechoslovakia
Angel – Kateřina Baranowská - 2010-11
Ceramic Sculpture - Kelly Stevenson
Lady of the wood gourd - art sculpture by Jeanne Friy
Nishio Yasuyuki - Sumeru - 2011
Statuette of a veiled and masked dancer, 3rd-2nd century BC, Hellentisic, Greek, bronze
Stratification—Sheila Ganch
Teresa Brooks Pottery
Véronique Didierlaurent
Wil van den Hoek
Cynthia Aildrich — ‘ She Who Waits For Answers’
Kurtis Bell - ‘Abigail, Abby’s Angel ‘
Kurtis Bell never intended to be a sculptor. He was painting and wanted to come up with some way to have a model pose for him without the cost of a model, which he could not afford. His idea was to quickly sculpt the image he wanted to paint so he would have the subject and pose he wanted for a reference. Then he could reclaim the clay and start over.
He found he was better at sculpting than painting and now mainly does sculpting.
This bronze sculpture of an angel bathing by a stream was created for his recently departed dog Abby.
( artparks )
Rieke van der Stoep - ‘So much on my mind ‘ - outdoor bronze statue
The woman and the circular shape, symbolizing infinity and movement, are recurring themes associated with her own intuitive power and perception of the female. - Rieke van der Stoep
Karin Beek
Veronique Didierlauren
Deborah Hodder Gallery – 2010
Arizona, USA
Deborah Hodder – 2009
Judith Meulenberg – Netherlands
Soul of the Earth - Denise Romecki
“I think of clay as a gift and like to believe as the Native Americans ‘that all things in the natural world have a spirit and deserve our respect.’” – Denise Romecki
Eliane Meryb — Girante
Gene Pearson – Movement
Height and depth survey - Rieke van der Stoep
Anneke Bruines - in de wolken ( in the clouds )
Updated on a weekly basis.
Female Art Figures is a post from: Ceramics & Pottery Arts & Resources
The Original Post is Located Here: Female Art Figures